We are happy to announce the nomination of Stanislas Pinte as CEO of TheSignallingCompany.

Stanislas previously held the position of Chief Executive Officer at ERTMS Solutions since 2008.

TheSignallingCompany was founded in April 2019. ERTMS Solutions, a disruptive railway signalling automations company, intents to reinvent the ETCS onboard equipment with the support of Lineas, the largest private rail freight operator in Europe.

TheSignallingCompany is building a better ETCS Onboard Solution, to make the signalling system of the future cost-effective, flexible and future-proof.

“Led by a seasoned team of entrepreneurs and railway experts and as a result of a JV incepted by ERTMS Solutions and Lineas (backed by Argos Wityu), TheSignallingCompany has started disrupting the railway signalling industry”, said Stanislas Pinte.

Contact info:

Name: Caroline ERNOULT, Communication and PR

Company URL: www.thesignallingcompany.com

Address: rue de la Caserne 45, 1000 Bruxelles Mail : info@thesignallingcompany.com